Educators in the Heart of Georgia RESA area can earn digital badges to display on their social media sites and on their emails. There are different requirements for each badge. More information will be available on the requirements for each badge.
The Heart of Georgia RESA takes pride in being able to offer e-badges to participants who attend certain classes. It is the responsibility of the participant to note the requirements, adhere to the requirements, complete a form stating that all classes have been completed, and provide evidence (copy of sign-in sheet - just snap a picture at the end of the event) that the requirements have been completed. The submitted form and evidence documents should be sent to with Badge Requirements Completed - Name - School Name in the header.
Available EBadges with requirements:
EBadge #1: Classroom Management
Pre-Step: Complete the Intent to Apply for Classroom Management E-Badge located in the Professional Quick View List.
Participate in Dr. Steve Miletto's Session 1 on Classroom Management
Participate in Dr. Steve Miletto's Session 2 on Classroom Management
Participate in Dr. Steve Miletto's Session 3 on Classroom Management
Use the notes and information from the 3 sessions to share with a preservice, new, or 1 to 5 years of experience teacher what you learned from the sessions and how you will apply this information into your daily teaching practices. Evidence: Send copy of notes to Email sent to from teacher.
Read Dr. Harry Wong's book on Classroom Management and discuss what you learned with a preservice, new, or 1 to 5 years of experience teacher. (Learn something. Share something.) Evidence: Send copy of notes to Email sent to from teacher.
This is the second way to earn a Classroom Management E-Badge.
Complete the Online Classroom Management training with the Behavior Queen, Amie Dean.
Listen intently, take notes and share what you have learned with a pre-service teacher or a teacher who has 5 years or less experience. Send notes and verification of sharing experience to Email from teacher will meet the requirement.
Register for Dr. Laura Riffel's CODE Classes: 122, 148, 149, 150 and listen intently to each video and take notes. Share the information with another teacher. Send notes and verification of sharing experience to Email from teacher will meet the requirement.
Register for Dr. Laura Riffel's CODE Classes: 151, 202, 208 and listen intently to each video and take notes. Share the information with a different teacher from the one above. Send notes and verification of sharing experience to Email from teacher will meet the requirement.
Participants for this badge must be a part of the cohort that was begun 3 years ago.
Attend 4 SLDS Ambassadors' After-Hours Training Sessions during 2019-2020 or 2020-2021. (Submit evidence documents.)
Conduct 3 professional learning sessions for teachers or leaders on SLDS. Submit evidence documents. (Agenda or Sign-in Sheets)
Read 5 articles on the importance of data and share a synopsis of each via email. Submit evidence documents. (Copy of emails copied to
Drill into the data that you have access to on SLDS, compile a report, and share with a leader in your district or school. OR complete the Scavenger Hunt. Submit evidence document. (Report, PowerPoint, or Leader Verification)
Complete the Event Feedback Form located on the HGRESA home page or on the HGRESA Professional Learning site.
Complete the certification form, attach documentation of the completed requirements, and submit Google Certification Form. If you have problems, just email documentation to connie@hgresa.orgE-Badge #2: SLDS Ambassadors
New Teacher Induction E-Badge #3
Participants for this badge must have completed the online, on-demand New Teacher Induction Modules.
Participants must watch 2 additional videos on Code of Ethics from the perspective of a lawyer. (Submit notes taken from each of the videos to
Participants must watch 2 additional videos on Instructional Strategies (DOK: Depth of Knowledge). (Submit notes taken from each of the videos to
Participants must complete the Amie Dean online Classroom Management class. (Take notes and share information with another teacher. Submit notes and get teacher to send an email to
Read the book Classroom Management by Dr. Harry Wong, take notes, and share information with a preservice teacher or a teacher who has less than 6 years experience. (Submit notes and get teacher to send an email to
Select one of Dr. Laura Riffel's Classroom Management CODE classes, take notes, and share with a teacher. Submit notes and get teacher to send an email to (Dr. Riffel has mental health videos, but please search for the classroom management videos.)
Complete the Event Feedback Form located on the HGRESA home page or on the HGRESA Professional Learning site.