Prof. Learning
HGRESA conducts professional learning sessions onsite in districts, as well as at the Heart of Georgia RESA facility located at 717 Smith Street in Dublin. We offer C.O.D.E. (Classes/Courses on Demand for Educators), as well as online, live sessions like Zoom, Google Meet, or Go to Meeting opportunities. Resources have been developed for listed schools and are available for other school staff to conduct sessions during PLC times, also.
Professional learning sessions are planned after an extensive review of data from data reports, class evaluations, network meetings, job-alike meetings, focus group meetings, district/school requests, etc. We try to never offer one shot training opportunities but take pride in following up for implementation. The opportunities for learning provide a catalyst for additional onsite learning during onsite PLC time. The goal is to help leaders and teachers (and other staff) become independent learners, identifying individual professional plans of improvement. We will support our districts and school leaders in any way that we can. Funding guides the areas that we are able to serve such as Math, ELA, PBIS, School Climate, Mental Health Awareness, Ga Connects (SLDS), School Improvement (Listed Schools), Wrap-Around, GDOE Cheerleaders & Champions, GDOE BRIDGES, GOSA Growing Readers, and GOSA Leader and Teacher Support Academies.